Jumat, 21 September 2012

Islamic business processes

Islamic business processes
Most of the prophets of God are a businessman, including the Prophet Muhammad. Business in the hadith of the prophet is the main door in search of sustenance. in contemporary times, the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, and the richest people after coming out of the business. Similarly, in Indonesia, the wealth controlled by the businessman.
However, the business system what would we choose???
Here, I will discuss what is sharia business processes, and what makes a business process is said to be Islamic.
I will first explain what it is sharia..
Sharia (Arabic: شريعةšarīah, "legislation"; sp. shariah, sharīah; also قانون إسلامي qānūn Islāmī) is the moral code and religious law of Islam. Sharia deals with many topics addressed by secular law, including crime, politics, and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, and fasting. Though interpretations of sharia vary between cultures, in its strictest definition it is considered the infallible law of God—as opposed to the human interpretation of the laws (fiqh)
There are two primary sources of sharia law: the precepts set forth in the Quran, and the example set by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the Sunnah. Where it has official status, sharia is interpreted by Islamic judges (qadis) with varying responsibilities for the religious leaders (imams). For questions not directly addressed in the primary sources, they extend the application of sharia through consensus of the religious scholars (ulama) thought to embody the consensus of the Muslim Community (ijma). Islamic jurisprudence will also sometimes incorporate analogies from the Quran and Sunnah through qiyas, though Shia jurists prefer reasoning ('aql) to analogy.

3 Key Processes in Islamic Marketing
in any marketing plan or campaign, the three key processes in order are:
  1. Strategy: The thought process behind the plan. (e.g. SWOT, PEST, Porters)
  2. Tactics: The execution using tools based on the strategy. (e.g. 4Ps)
  3. Measurement: Monitoring success, short and long term results. (e.g. Profit, Segment Captured, Outcome-Based)
These three processes are not alien to Islam. Take a look at one of the most quoted verses in the Quran related to da’wah:
“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and dispute with them by way of that which is best. Truly your Lord knows best those who stray from His way and He knows best those who are guided.” (Surah An-Nahl:125)
From the verse above, a breakdown of the processes:
  1. Wisdom: Signifying the thinking; using the mental intellect. (Strategy)
  2. Fair exhortation: Reflecting the execution process, an active action of advice. (Tactics)
  3. Dispute by way that is best: Short term action to mitigate tactics. (Short term measurement)
  4. Truly your Lord knows best who has strayed, who is guided: Long term view of results, tawakal. (Long term measurement)

Beberapa tahun ini bisnis berbasis syariah manjadi fenomena baru dalam dunia bisnis, banyak pihak-pihak yang terkait mulai memasuki bisnis berbasis syariah. Beragam bisnis mulai melirik sistem syariah yang kemudian menjadi label tersendiri. Sebut saja, bank syariah, asuransi syariah, hotel syariah, pegadaian syariah, multi-finance syariah, supermarket syariah, bengkel syariah, pom bensin syariah, salon syariah, dll. boleh dibilang saat ini sedang terjadi “demam” bisnis syariah. Meskipun sedang menjadi demam, banyak orang yang belum mengenal lebih jauh apa itu bisnis syariah. Sebagai hal yang baru muncul, amatlah wajar masih belum banyak orang yang mengenalnya.
Hal yang membedakan proses bisnis syariah dengan proses bisnis kapitalis terletak pada penerapan prinsip-prinsip islam dalam pebisnisan atau perdagangan. Dalam proses  bisnis syariah penerapan prinsip-prinsip islam seperti hal mutlak yang harus dijalankan dalam setiap aktivitas proses bisnis syariah. Bisnis ini sangat berbeda dengan bisnis kapitalis yang menjalankan roda pebisnisan hanya mengutamakan mendapatkan keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya tanpa terkait dengan etika dan moral. Melakukan apapun untuk mendapatkan untung yang maksimal layak dijalankan dalam proses bisnis kapitalis.

Prinsip-prinsip dalam menjalankan bisnis syariah
Beberapa prinsip di bawah ini sangat jelas membedakan antara prinsip ekonomi Islam dengan prinsip Kapitalisme dan Sosialisme.
Proses mencari rezeki bagi seorang muslim merupakan suatu tugas wajib. Rasullulloh SAW bersabda, “Berusaha untuk mendapatkan penghasilan halal merupakan sebuah kewajiban, di samping tugas-tugas lain yang diwajibkan” (HR. Al-Baihaki). Juga dalam surat At-Taubah ayat 105, “Bekerjalah kamu, maka Allah dan Rasul-Nya serta orang-orang mukmin akan meliat pekerjaanmu”.

Rezeki yang kita cari haruslah rizki yang halal. “Allah menghalalkan jual-beli dan mengharamkan riba” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 275). Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda; “Daging yang tumbuh dari suatu yang haram tidak akan masuk surga, sedangkan neraka lebih sesuai bagi semua daging yang tumbuh dari sesuatu yang haram” (HR. Jabir). 

Bersikap jujur dalam menjalankan usaha. Abu Sa’ad meriwayatkan, Rasullulloh SAW bersabda: “Pedagang yang jujur dan dapat dipercaya dakan dmasukkan dalam golongan para nabi, orang-orang jujur dan para syuhada” (HR. Tirmidzi).

Semua proses yang dilakukan dalam rangka mencari rezeki haruslah dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. Sehingga ridha Allah merupakan tujuan utama dari aktivitas bisnis kita. “Apabila telah ditunaikan sembahyang, maka bertebaranlah kamu dimuka bumi dan carilah karunia Allah dan ingatlah Allah sebanyak-banyaknya supaya kamu beruntung” (QS. Al Jumu’ah : 10).

Bisnis yang akan dan sedang dijalankan jangan sampai menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan hidup. Aspek kesinambungan dan keselarasan dengan alam menjadi suatu keharusan. Islam memberikan keistimewaan bagi manusia untuk menjadi khalifah di alam dunia ini, sehingga kita harus bisa mengatur kehidupan ini lebih berkeadilan, terhadap semua mahluk Allah seperti lingkungan hidup. Harus ada perubahan paradigma bahwa seluruh kekayaan alam ini bukan merupakan warisan dari nenek moyang, yang sekehendaknya dihabiskan dengan seenaknya. Harusnya berpikir untuk mengelolanya dengan lebih baik karena anak cucu kita meneruskan kehidupan di muka bumi ini.

Persaingan dalam bisnis bukan menjadi persoalan yang tabu, tapi justu persaingan dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk bisa berprestasi secara fair dan sehat (fastabikul al-khayrat). Kalau Allah tidak menghendaki adanya persaingan, maka tentu Allah tidak akan menciptakan kita dalam beragam etnis dan budaya yang berbeda. Adanya persaingan justru harus bisa memacu umat Islam untuk menjadi umat yang terbaik (khairu ummat). Jadikanlah sebagai partner untuk memicu kita agar menjadi manusia-manusia yang kreatif dan terus berinovasi untuk menghasilkan prosuk-prosuk baru.

Dalam menjalankan bisnis tidak boleh berpuas diri dengan apa yang sudah didapatkan. Islam mendorong pemeluknya untuk menjadi manusia-menusia yang tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang telah dicapai dan selalu haus akan adanya penemuan-penemuan baru. Allah SWT berfirman, “Apabila kamu telah selesai dari suatu urusan, maka kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh urusan yang lain”. (QS. Al-Insyirah: 7)

Menyerahkan setiap amanah kepada ahlinya, bukan kepada sembarang orang, sekalipun keluarga sendiri. Rasullulloh SAW bersabda, “Jika suatu urusan diserahkan kepasa (orang) yang bukan ahlinya, tunggulah saat kehancurannya”. Dari hadits ini menunjukkan harus adanya prinsip profesionalisme kerja. Dalam surat An-Nisa ayat 58, Allah SWT berfirman, “Sesungguhnya Allah memerintahkan kepada kamu untuk menyerahkan amanat kepada ahlinya dan jika kamu memutuskan suatu perkara di antara menusia, hendaknya kamu putuskan dengan adil”.

Jadi, jangan takut menggunakan embel-embel syariah dalam bisnis anda. Embel-embel syariah tak akan mempersempit peluang pasar, justru sebaliknya. Anda menjelajahi samudera biru syariah yang memberikan peluang pertumbuhan yang menjanjikan. anda tidak perlu berdarah-darah bersaing dengan kompetitor lainnya.

Purpose – This paper aims to provide a critical review of the literature on the rate of return risk faced by Islamic banks. Design/methodology/approach – Through a thorough review of the literature, this paper presents the discussion among scholars regarding the rate of return risk in Islamic banks.
Findings – One of the major issues highlighted is the sensitivity of Islamic banks to the changes in the conventional interest rate due to the fact that many Islamic banking products are benchmarked against the conventional interest rate. Moreover, the limited techniques and instruments available to mitigate the rate of return risk also need serious attention by the regulators. Research limitations/implications – The study relies solely on the literature and highlights important issues in the area but does not provide any empirical evidence of the importance of rate of return risk to Islamic banks as it is beyond the scope of the paper. Practical implications – There are several issues that should be taken into consideration. First, the dearth of empirical research on the identification of the rate of return risk in Islamic banking highlights the need to develop appropriate methodology to enrich the study on the rate of return risk. Second, more focus is needed to determine the impact of rate of return risk on the financial stability and the performance of Islamic banks. Originality/value – This paper highlights several important issues relating to the rate of return risk in Islamic banks that are not widely discussed among researchers. In particular, this paper emphasizes the need to identify, handle and mitigate such risks to ensure the stability of Islamic banks. Therefore, this paper identifies a gap that needs further exploration so as to contribute towards enriching the existing literature in this area.


Minggu, 16 September 2012

What is the mean of Business Process???

What is the mean of Business Process?

Why is business process management (BPM) hot?? Whatever your organizational structure, be it in manufacturing, services or retail, your operation is underpinned by processes--the fundamental ways of doing things that are either efficient and appropriate, or, more often, outdated and arthritic. There are, of course, profound cultural reasons why organizations find it hard to kill redundant processes or even to rejuvenate them. But there are also IT reasons why process change is hard. The logic of business process tends to get hard-wired into highly expensive IT systems, which are complex and act as a brake to change. The great twenty-first century irony is that the more we automate business, the harder it seems to be to react quickly to operational change.

“Business Process is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. It often can be visualized with a flowchart as a sequence of activities with interleaving decision points or with a Process Matrix as a sequence of activities with relevance rules based on the data in the process”.

“A business process is an activity or set of activities that will accomplish a specific organizational goal. Business process management (BPM) is a systematic approach to improving those processes”. 

Dari kutipan pengertian proses bisnis diatas, Proses bisnis dapat didefinisikan suatu langkah pekerjaan yang salin berhubungan satu dengan yang lainnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang dihadapi, terutama masalah yang berkaitan dengan bisnis. Proses disini dapat dijelaskan sebagai alur atau tahapan-tahapan yang harus kita kerjakan terlebih dahulu.
Dari sumber yang pernah saya baca, proses bisnis dibagi menjadi beberapa subproses yang masing-masing memiliki atribut sendiri, tetapi juga berkontribusi untuk mencapai tujuan dari superprosesnya.

Banyak definisi yang telah dijabarkan oleh para ahli mengenai proses bisnis (lihat bacaan lanjutan). Beberapa karakteristik umum yang dianggap harus dimiliki suatu proses bisnis adalah:
1. Definitif: Suatu proses bisnis harus memiliki batasan, masukan, serta keluaran yang jelas.
2. Urutan: Suatu proses bisnis harus terdiri dari aktivitas yang berurut sesuai waktu dan ruang.
3. Pelanggan: Suatu proses bisnis harus mempunyai penerima hasil proses.
4. Nilai tambah: Transformasi yang terjadi dalam proses harus memberikan nilai tambah pada penerima.
5. Keterkaitan: Suatu proses tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, melainkan harus terkait dalam suatu struktur organisasi.
6. Fungsi silang: Suatu proses umumnya, walaupun tidak harus, mencakup beberapa fungsi”.

Jadi, suatu proses bisnis harus memiliki batasan, serta masukan, atau keluaran yang jelas.  Maksudnya, jika proses bisnis tidak memiliki semua itu maka proses bisnis yang sedang kita jalani tidak akan berjalan dengan lancar, karena kita tidak mengetahui batasan apa atau kendala apa yang kita miliki dalam proses bisnis tersebut. Selain itu, kita harus memiliki keluaran yang jelas, agar goal yang kita inginkan terwujud.

Jelas sekali bahwa proses bisnis adalah suatu proses bisnis yang memiliki batasan serta masukan, dan keluaran yang jelas, yang harus terdiri dari aktivitas yang berurutan, dan adanya keterkaitan dalam suatu struktur organisasi agar suatu proses bisnis tersebut dapat berdiri.

Purpose – The paper discusses the problem of business process modelling, various techniques which are used to carry out business process modelling and aims to analyse the use of different techniques to find a better solution.
Design/methodology/approach – Business process modelling techniques could be divided into two groups, the diagrammatic and tabular techniques. As a representative of diagrammatic techniques, a flowchart is chosen and discussed in detail. A process model could also be developed using the activity table as a representative of tabular techniques. A comparative analysis of the two techniques is consequently carried out. The pros and cons of both techniques were analysed on the two case-studies – the problems of Sales_Claim and Credit_Card are used as examples to test both techniques.
Findings – Based on the comparative analysis, several useful remarks are given as a result of this work. First, both techniques are simple and useful for business processes modelling. Drawing a flowchart is easier than developing an activity table. Second, it was found that the flowchart technique is too flexible and does not possess any mechanism to control gaps which could exist in the process model. On the other hand, the vertical linkage mechanism imposes a strict order on the development of the activity table, which enable the analyst to discover gaps existing in the table. Third, it was found that the visibility of a flowchart is good when the model is relatively small, but it becomes unclear in large models. The activity table is more visible even when the table contains hundreds of activities. The visibility depends on the analyst and his/her experience; many analysts prefer a diagrammatic presentation of processes, whereas other analysts are more tabular-oriented. Fourth, concerning user involvement, the structure of the activity table requires an active user involvement, because every user (internal entity) occupies a certain column in the table, where the entity's activities are indicated. For this reason, the user is interested in cooperating in defining his/her activities correctly. On the other hand, the user's role in creating a flowchart does not go beyond observation. Business process modelling is a complex and difficult task. Using one technique may result in a model that does not reflect the original business process. For this reason, using a combination of both techniques could produce a process model which represents a true reflection of reality. Thus, it is suggested that because of the strict role imposed by vertical linkage, the analyst starts process modelling by developing the activity table and then continues by transforming the table into a flowchart. Having such a flowchart, which represents a good transformation of the original business process, is essential for successful continuation of business process simulation or other methods for business process improvement or reengineering.
Originality/value – The paper summarises and suggests several useful remarks as a result of this work, which also recommends the possibility of linking the two techniques to develop better business process models.
